Friday, June 7, 2019

Kidnapped......4th Post

The little gas station had only a tiny building with huge billboards on either side of the structure. In my memory, I feel like I practically jumped in that lady's arms when I made it out of the car. We rushed inside the building for her to call the police. Three or 4 guys from next door came running around the building asking what was going on. They heard me screaming and came to check on her. When they heard I had been kidnapped, they were so sweet! I remember that they wanted a piece of him! They were saying things like, "Let me at him!" and "We'll take care of him"! That made me feel so comforted and protected! As soon as the attendant got off with the police, I asked to borrow the phone. This was way before cell phones. I called my future mother in law's house. In my mind, they were just going about their usual routine. I had no idea what had been going on in Augusta! Mike's mom told me that family and friends had come to Augusta all the way from LaGrange, GA,  Forsyth, GA and even Moncks Corner SC to help look for me! People were camped out at my house and had been up all night searching. Mom and her cousin had gone back to her house to try to rest for a little while. Isn't that just like God? He had her right where I needed her to be! What a blessing that was! She took down the name of the station and the phone number so she could call my family and let them know where I was and that I was okay.

By this time, two police officers had gotten to the gas station and had begun taking down my information. All of that is a blur to me. While we were talking, the phone rang and it was my family! I was so relieved to hear from them. I had a new phone at my house that had a speaker. They were able to connect a tape recorder to the phone in case there was some kind of ransom request. As God would have it, the first call to be recorded was the call from Mom telling them that I was ok! And the second call was their call to me! I still have those recordings. You can hear the stress and relief in everyone's voices. During that call from my family, I was told that someone would come get me... some how, some time. And the private detective told the policeman to give me what ever I needed. As I recall, I asked for chocolate milk and Barbecue potato chips......and a hairbrush. That was the first and only time that I had ever ridden in a police car.

I know that all of this happened in the afternoon, but for some reason, I seem to have a feeling that it was dark. But all the reports confirm the hours were during the day. I don't remember the drive to the police station, but I know we got there with the chocolate milk, chips and the brush! I know I started filling out a report. As I was working on it, someone from down the hall came and told me I had a phone call. Being surprised, I went into another office and picked up the phone. The voice on the other end of the line was a welcome sound! It was my Uncle Guy from LaGrange! He really wasn't my blood Uncle, but he was my Daddy's best friend and I called him Uncle. Of course, he had heard what was going on, as one of his favorite pastimes was to listen to the CB radio! He heard that I was at the St. Augustine's Police Station and he just HAD to call me! It was the sweetest thing to me! After our brief chat, I returned to my report. A little time passed and I was deep in my writing when I heard some chatter. I looked up and to my surprise, I  saw my fiancé, daddy, brother and one of my cousins coming into the report room! I was shocked! How in the world did they get there so quickly! I hadn't even finished my report! My family had chartered a plane from Daniel Field in Augusta and flown down to pick me up. They wanted me back home that night! After a few minutes of hugs and tears, I had to return to my report. While talking to the police, my brother brushed his coat back accidentally, revealing his pistol in his shoulder holster. The police informed him that he would have to relinquish the gun. He could keep the bullets but not the gun, since he didn't have a Florida carry permit. He pocketed his bullets as he handed it over.

My daddy kept interrupting me to tell me what all I needed to tell them. "Make sure you give them all the details." "Make sure you give them a complete description." Finally, one of the officers suggested the guys go get some dinner. I think that was done to afford me some peace to finish the report. I was then asked to create a composite of the offender's face. A kit of different eyes, noses, cheeks, chins, hair lines and maybe some other features were available to help my memory. When I finished, I really had no idea how much the pieced-together face looked like the assailant, but it was the best I could do. I had spent much time looking at and memorizing tattoos and facial features, so creating this didn't seem like a daunting task.

Soon, my family returned and we were taken to the airport. I felt sort of cloudy and it all seemed so unreal that this had happened to me!!! I remember thanking God over and over and over for His watchful, protective hand!!