Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My take on the Beach

As I said in the last post, I am being challenged in several ways. One way is to keep my eyes on Jesus. While I was at the beach watching my two youngest children dig for crabs, I took the chance to watch the waves wash in and and and out. God used them to draw me closer and closer to Him. I wondered how He can still love me so much after I abandon Him time after time. But, as I watched the waves, He said to me that His love is just like the waves. His love washes my sin away just like those waves come in and out. My heart is cleansed just like the sand is smoothed out with each new wave. And then those sins are carried away never to be seen again. As I looked toward the horizon, I was reminded that His love is as infinite as the horizon seems to be. As far as my eye could see, so is His love. And just as  you think you are reaching the end.....there is still so much more to come! The beach even reminded Ree and EZ of how amazing God is. They tried so desperately to dig down to reach the creatures that make the little holes in the beach. Each time they would think they had reached seemed to dig deeper. EZ asked how was it possible for it to dig so deep. Ree simply said, "God made them that way."

I really don't understand how anyone can go to the beach and say there is no God.