Saturday, May 4, 2019

Kidnapped....2nd Installment

As we sat in that abandoned lot, my thoughts raced. What was really happening here. I had heard of people being taken against their will, but never dreamed that it could happen to me. The word kidnap didn't enter my mind at that time. I just wanted to help this guy get to where he wanted to go, so I could get back to my church meeting that night.

He asked if I knew how to get to Statesboro. I felt relief, because I had many friends in Statesboro and I happen to know how to get there. I had only lived in Augusta for about 4 months. But, that was one place that I actually knew the directions to.

So, he drove, according to my directions. He kept asking if I was telling him the truth. I was too afraid of what would happen to me if I didn't tell him the truth. If you are wondering what kept me from jumping out of the car......try sitting on your hands, trembling and shaking and wondering if your weak legs would carry you even if you could open the locked door, while being threatened with a broken glass.

My biggest hope was that by the time we got to Statesboro, he would be happy to be there and would just let me go. How stupid could I be?????

I am a strong believer in God and His power. I also believe that He is sovereign and has everything under control, even when we can't feel it or see it. I was praying harder than I had ever prayed! I love being in control, but that day......I was anything but in control! Looking back on that was the beginning of my learning to not get my way. You may think, wow Susan, that's wonderful to learn so early in your life that you can't always get your way! Don't let these words fool you! I still struggle with that to this day. But, I let go much faster than I used to,  thanks to this and many other events in my life!

During the next hour, I tried to make conversation to keep him calm. I learned that he had escaped from jail in North Carolina a few days before and had stolen a car or two and had driven to the outskirts of Augusta where the car broke down or ran out of gas. So, he left the car and walked into town. He told me he had been walking around town most of the day looking for someone just like me. Meaning, someone he could take advantage of and use their car.

As he took me down Highway 25 toward Statesboro, it was then that he brought up the fact that what he had done was kidnapping! Those words went deep. As I pondered them, I begin to wonder if that day would be my last. I may not be given the chance to escape this man. But, we came upon a license check point out in the country. Yes! Back in 1979, they still had those. I case you have never heard of a license check, they would put up a road block and stop cars randomly to make sure everyone had their license. There were multiple State Patrols in the road and on the side of the road and other cars stopped as well. I prayed that God would allow this to be the time that I would be rescued!

Instead, my abductor rolled down his window about half way and slowed down but never came to a complete stop. I was devastated. His eyes darted back and forth and he began talking about the fact that they must be looking for him. I could tell he was anxious. He drove out of their sight and then turned onto the next road to the right. I told him that I wasn't familiar with that road and he should turn around. But, he was convinced that they were looking for him and he had to hide. Next, he turned onto a small dirt road that went down into the woods and stopped the car. He was so nervous and that made me nervous. He began talking about what to do with me. I felt then, that this was probably the end for me. He told me that he was going to put me in the trunk of the car. I asked him if I could take my purse with me. I had heard of stories where people, especially girls, were found dead with no ID. I was trying to at least have my ID on me so they would know who I was when they found my body. He said I could take only my wallet. He made me get out of the car as he opened the trunk.

Thankfully, I had nothing in my trunk, so there was plenty of room for me to lie down. He told me that if I behaved myself, he would let me out. He was planning on stopping at a store to get cigarettes and beer. He actually asked me if I wanted anything. I was shocked! But, I requested some kind of snack and a drink. I didn't know what to make of this plan of his. But, when he closed the lid, I began to cry. After a few minutes, I gathered my composure and figured that crying would take more oxygen than just breathing. I really had no idea if I would run out of oxygen in a trunk, but I didn't want to take a chance. But, just in case, I took off my engagement ring and a couple of other rings I had on and put them in my pants pocket. Then I felt in my wallet until I found my drivers license and SS card. I also put those in my pocket. I was hoping that if I died in there, he would leave my body alone and when I was found, they could identify me. I know that sounds morbid, but I was praying for self control and clarity of mind. I could feel God's presence with me giving me wisdom.

He started the car and I could tell when we hit the paved road. I could feel many turns and wondered where in the world we would end up! Finally, the car stopped. I heard the door open and then close. I could hear people talking and was praying for the strength and wisdom to let someone know I was in there. But, fear made me think twice about trying something stupid and it not working. And that would only make him want to hurt me! I didn't want that! Within minutes, he was back in the car and I felt it moving.

It wasn't long before I felt the car come to a stop again. But, this time he didn't turn it off. I heard footsteps and then the trunk lid popped open. He was quick with his words. Hurry.....get out!! I didn't understand the need for him rushing me until I was out and saw that he had stopped on the side of an interstate highway. Inside the car, I found a snack and drink he had gotten for me. Of course, he had used either my money or money from the church. A few minutes later, I saw that we were on I 16 heading toward Macon! That was so close to where my sister and brother in law lived! I was hoping to get close to her! I got excited!

Stay tuned!

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