Saturday, April 1, 2023

Kidnapped - 6th post - Pat's memories

I asked my best friend, Pat Alverson, to write her memories of the hours surrounding my kidnapping. Here is her account. 

  When Susan asked me if I would be willing to write about her kidnapping I wasn’t sure what to write.   It was such a blur of a weekend I wasn’t sure if I remembered many details.  Reading her blog has brought back a lot of those memories that I thought I had forgotten. So here it goes.  


 I am going to start at the beginning as some of you don’t know me and our story of being friends.  My name is Pat Alverson and I was born 8 months before Susan.  Our families both attended Loyd Presbyterian Church so we don’t remember not knowing each other.  We have always been friends but when I was 9 my family and I moved from town (LaGrange) to the country to live with my grandmother on Old West Point Road. Susan and her family were our next door neighbors – even though our houses were 2 tenths (or so) of a mile apart. Being best friends forever started at some point and has continued over 60 plus years.  


Now we were able to be together more than just Sunday’s and other occasional visits which made our friendship grow. At one point we decided that when we grew up we would live between the houses so we could be together for always.  In those days it was safe to go back and forth to each other’s house by walking or riding our bikes which we did frequently. 


That next school year (4thgrade) I changed from Harwell Avenue School to Unity School where Susan was already attending.  Momma took us to school every morning and either my grandmother, Susan’s mother or one of their employees, Aaron, would pick us up unless we stayed in town for piano or dance lessons.   I could write a book on things we did in the late 60’s and early 70’s but that would take a lifetime.  It was a wonderful time for the two of us.  


At the beginning our 8thgrade year I changed school systems and went to the county high school and Susan went to the city high school.  Being at different schools made no difference in our friendship. We still hung out together, had sleepovers and even took trips with each other’s families.  After high school I attended Troy University in Troy, Alabama and Susan attended Berry College in Rome, Georgia.  Even with our crazy schedules we always managed to see each other when we were at home the same weekends.  


I didn’t graduate from Troy until March 1979 due to changing majors halfway through college. I came back to LaGrange and lived with my parents.  I was in no hurry to look for a job and the closer it got to Susan’s wedding I thought I wouldn’t look too hard until after she got married so I could participate fully in all the pre-wedding activities.  


It was on Friday night, April 6 that I was at home when I got a phone call from Nancy asking if I had talked to Susan lately.  When I told her no she explained that Susan was missing.  My brother Ed and his wife Debbie just happened to be at the house so Ed and I went back to the Bakers.  Events happened quickly at that point and it didn’t take long and Ed and I were headed to Augusta with Susan’s parents and her brother Terry.  I remember just sitting in the back seat with Mrs. Baker and we just hung on to each other.  I can’t even remember what car I was in. It was a surreal ride and as you can imagine a fast ride.  At some point we got pulled over by the State Patrol for speeding and Ed got out and talked to them.  I should mention that he was a member of the State Patrol which definitely helped.  


We arrived late that night and after hugging each other and learning what little information there was I remember just wandering around from group to group not really knowing what to do.  The entire night just crawled by.  In looking back there was a bright spot because this was the night that I got to know Mike and his family and more importantly the strong faith that they had. There was a lot of praying going on and we just hung on to each other.  I did speak to the police at some point and they asked me if I thought Susan would just disappear due to wedding jitters.  NO!  That was my answer and I never had any doubt it was the only answer. 


Saturday for me was more of the same wandering around wondering what to do.  Along with everyone else I had stayed up all night but just couldn’t imagine trying to sleep not knowing what was happening. I am not even sure if we ate.  


And then it happened, the phone rang and all I heard was “Susan”!  She had been found in Florida.  If I remember correctly her dad, Mike, Terry and one of her cousins chartered a plane and flew down and brought her back to us.  We all went to the airport to welcome her home, tearfully, joyfully and praising God for her safe return.  Eventually Ed and I made our way back to LaGrange but I don’t remember much about that trip either.  


I will leave it to Susan to fill in the blanks from the time we got the phone call and all that transpired to her.  I can only add that soon another Saturday rolled around, May 6, and I got to be in the wedding of my forever best friend.  God is good.  

Monday, April 6, 2020

Kidnapped.......5th post - Nancy's memories

It's almost midnight and I have thought all day about making a post. It is the 41st anniversary of my  kidnapping. Since I didn't really want to write anything, I decided to post what my sister wrote last year when I asked her to record that time from her viewpoint. Like me, she needed to write in portions, so here is her first account.

I am ready to go on with this story and how it has unfolded over several years. This one event in my life has shaped me more than I would like to admit. Last year after writing the first 4 episodes and having multiple challenges in my life over a few months time, I decided I needed some assistance sorting some things out in my life. With this help, I discovered just how much this monumental incident had affected me. Having great counseling, an understanding husband and a Mighty God, I have made great strides! And now, I want to share the rest of the story. Hope you still enjoy!

When Susan asked  me to write about my side of her kidnapping, I knew there were many things I would have to remember. It was one of those life defining events. You never think something like that will happen to your family. We grew up with parents who took life as it came with no complaints or whining. This was different from anything any of us had experienced.
  On that Friday night in April 1979, Hardy and I had invited several couples to have dinner with us. They were all from a sister church and we enjoyed the fellowship. The conversation had just turned to a trip on a river that one of the couples son had been on with two other boys. They had capsized and almost drowned. We  were all quietly reflecting on the uncertainty of life when our phone rang.
  As I heard that sound, cold chills ran up my spine.I am not a fortune teller by any means but a few times I have had premonitions that a family member was in trouble. It always was true. This was one of those times.
  Mike Elliott, my future brother-in-law, was on the line. "Have you seen Susan?" I knew something was wrong. I assured him that I had not. She had not attended a meeting at their church that night. She was to pick up some money and deposit it and then be at the meeting. Mike had called the police, local hospitals and many of the friends and family members in Augusta to see if they had seen her. Nothing showed up. I immediately told him that we would be on our way over there as soon as possible.
  The couples at our home tried to assure  us that it was nothing and we should sit tight. I was not having it. Our oldest son, Samuel, was almost two years old and we also had our pastor's two children with us. Those precious friends who were dining with us that night, had prayer for us, helped pack our suitcases and took care of Samuel and our  other guests. They got us on the road and cleaned our dishes and locked up for us. What a blessing friends are. 
Before we left Forsyth, I knew I had to contact our parents. My brother lives down the road from their house so I called him first and told him Susan was missing and for him to go tell mother and daddy so they would not be by themselves when they heard. I gave Terry what I thought was a fair amount of time to get the short distance there and then called them. Mother answered the phone and sounded upset so I thought that Terry was there. The first words out of my mouth were, "we are headed to Augusta". Terry was not there and mother reacted as any distraught mother would when hearing that announced and suspecting the worst. Terry has first hand knowledge of their part of the story  and can fill you in on what happened at that time. 
We got to Augusta in short order. A trip that usually took 2 1/2 hours took about 1 1/2 hours. God was with us.
I have never been so sure of anything as I was that Susan was in trouble. I can't even describe the feelings. It wasn't fear or worry exactly, it was dread. My faith was strong but you just wonder how you will walk through the valley He may be taking you through.

I think that is all I can write today.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Kidnapped......4th Post

The little gas station had only a tiny building with huge billboards on either side of the structure. In my memory, I feel like I practically jumped in that lady's arms when I made it out of the car. We rushed inside the building for her to call the police. Three or 4 guys from next door came running around the building asking what was going on. They heard me screaming and came to check on her. When they heard I had been kidnapped, they were so sweet! I remember that they wanted a piece of him! They were saying things like, "Let me at him!" and "We'll take care of him"! That made me feel so comforted and protected! As soon as the attendant got off with the police, I asked to borrow the phone. This was way before cell phones. I called my future mother in law's house. In my mind, they were just going about their usual routine. I had no idea what had been going on in Augusta! Mike's mom told me that family and friends had come to Augusta all the way from LaGrange, GA,  Forsyth, GA and even Moncks Corner SC to help look for me! People were camped out at my house and had been up all night searching. Mom and her cousin had gone back to her house to try to rest for a little while. Isn't that just like God? He had her right where I needed her to be! What a blessing that was! She took down the name of the station and the phone number so she could call my family and let them know where I was and that I was okay.

By this time, two police officers had gotten to the gas station and had begun taking down my information. All of that is a blur to me. While we were talking, the phone rang and it was my family! I was so relieved to hear from them. I had a new phone at my house that had a speaker. They were able to connect a tape recorder to the phone in case there was some kind of ransom request. As God would have it, the first call to be recorded was the call from Mom telling them that I was ok! And the second call was their call to me! I still have those recordings. You can hear the stress and relief in everyone's voices. During that call from my family, I was told that someone would come get me... some how, some time. And the private detective told the policeman to give me what ever I needed. As I recall, I asked for chocolate milk and Barbecue potato chips......and a hairbrush. That was the first and only time that I had ever ridden in a police car.

I know that all of this happened in the afternoon, but for some reason, I seem to have a feeling that it was dark. But all the reports confirm the hours were during the day. I don't remember the drive to the police station, but I know we got there with the chocolate milk, chips and the brush! I know I started filling out a report. As I was working on it, someone from down the hall came and told me I had a phone call. Being surprised, I went into another office and picked up the phone. The voice on the other end of the line was a welcome sound! It was my Uncle Guy from LaGrange! He really wasn't my blood Uncle, but he was my Daddy's best friend and I called him Uncle. Of course, he had heard what was going on, as one of his favorite pastimes was to listen to the CB radio! He heard that I was at the St. Augustine's Police Station and he just HAD to call me! It was the sweetest thing to me! After our brief chat, I returned to my report. A little time passed and I was deep in my writing when I heard some chatter. I looked up and to my surprise, I  saw my fiancé, daddy, brother and one of my cousins coming into the report room! I was shocked! How in the world did they get there so quickly! I hadn't even finished my report! My family had chartered a plane from Daniel Field in Augusta and flown down to pick me up. They wanted me back home that night! After a few minutes of hugs and tears, I had to return to my report. While talking to the police, my brother brushed his coat back accidentally, revealing his pistol in his shoulder holster. The police informed him that he would have to relinquish the gun. He could keep the bullets but not the gun, since he didn't have a Florida carry permit. He pocketed his bullets as he handed it over.

My daddy kept interrupting me to tell me what all I needed to tell them. "Make sure you give them all the details." "Make sure you give them a complete description." Finally, one of the officers suggested the guys go get some dinner. I think that was done to afford me some peace to finish the report. I was then asked to create a composite of the offender's face. A kit of different eyes, noses, cheeks, chins, hair lines and maybe some other features were available to help my memory. When I finished, I really had no idea how much the pieced-together face looked like the assailant, but it was the best I could do. I had spent much time looking at and memorizing tattoos and facial features, so creating this didn't seem like a daunting task.

Soon, my family returned and we were taken to the airport. I felt sort of cloudy and it all seemed so unreal that this had happened to me!!! I remember thanking God over and over and over for His watchful, protective hand!!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Kidnapped.....3rd Post

I had to go back and edit the last couple of sentences on the 2nd installment. It's been a while since I have looked at my police statement the afternoon of my escape.  It was when I checked to be sure I had the correct details that I saw we were headed to Macon on I-16 and not Savannah. My sister and brother in law live just north of Macon, so my mind started thinking that maybe I would be able to escape and go to them. But, those dreams were dashed when he took I-75 South toward Florida.

It was starting to get dark and he was getting tired. He would stop at a rest area to actually rest some, then would get back on the interstate and drive further. I was praying that there would be a lot of people at the rest areas and I could get away from this nightmare. But, he always parked as far away from people as he could. At one of these stops, I was forced to go to the bathroom out in the field away from the public. It was mostly dark, even though there were many lights there. He just watched me from the car and of course he threatened me before I got out. This may sound crazy to most people, but I was able to sleep some off and on. As I said earlier, I am a faithful follower of Christ and firmly believed that He was with me! I probably prayed during these hours more than I had ever prayed in such a short amount of time. At one of the rest areas, I had asked the Lord to please be with me. It was at that moment that I felt Him in the car with me. God was physically holding me in His hand! I felt pressure and warmth on my back. My Heavenly Father has very BIG hands! His hand covered my entire back! I felt such peace and that is why I was able to sleep without fear!

Back on the road again, he chose to take I-10 toward Jacksonville, Florida. My captor told me that he would let me go in that city. We got to Jacksonville and were on Beach Blvd and were looking for a Pizza Hut. It was early in the morning of April 7th around 7:00am. He pulled into a shopping center near a phone. At this time, he instructed me to put my seat in the fully reclined position and pretend that I was asleep. At approximately 8:30am, he exited the car and used the phone. I was beginning to let fear creep in. The call was to a man whom this criminal had supposedly been writing to from the jail where he had escaped. I was told that this man was with the Mafia and was going to help him leave the country. My fear was that I would be a dead girl as soon as this connection was made. I know that mafia people don't leave live witnesses. Thankfully, the phone had been disconnected! I was thrilled! I just knew that now he would keep his word and let me go!! What was I thinking????!!!! Now, he just had another problem! Now, he had to decide what to do with me all on his own! I begged him to let me go until I thought he would harm me, then became silent. He told me that he would let me go without hurting me if I didn't do anything stupid. Also, he said he would leave my car and they would find it. Sadly, he didn't seem to know just how to do that. He drove around a while and finally decided that he wanted to see the beach. He had never seen it before and he picked now to see it. Of course we just sat in the car and looked at it. After a time, he decided to leave. He just found another parking place to sit a while. He seemed to be uneasy with having to deal with me without help, so I decided to help him. I came up with a couple of plans. Plan #1: drive into the country away from everyone and get out and let me have the car. I promised to not tell anyone about what had happened. .......he didn't go for that. Plan #2: drive into the country away from everyone and let me get out and he can have the car. You guessed it! He didn't go for that either! I tried real hard to think of something else as he started driving again.

He found Highway A1A south toward St. Augustine. When we got there, I told him we needed fuel. My car was a diesel and back then, diesel was hard to find. He drove around looking but didn't find anything right off. He was really tired and had been drinking beer. Not a good combination for having a clear head.  He took Highway #1 north back toward Jacksonville and then onto I-95 South. All the while we're looking for diesel. For some strange reason, he got on Highway #16 back to St. Augustine. Surely, he didn't realize that we were headed right back to the same place we had been before?  I was praying for the chance to escape. I was ecstatic to be going back into the city where I could get help. I felt this was a sign that I would be rescued. There were many people on the streets of this city and I had a sense that this was good for me. Woefully, no opportunity presented itself for a quick get away. I was deeply saddened as he left the city, for I truly believed this was the place I could break free from this madman. As he headed south on A1A, I realized that we would not find any stations on this barren road and asked him to please turn around so we could find diesel. Gratefully, he listened and turned around. God granted favor and showed me a sign for diesel. Three times in the same city had to mean something, right?

A little reminder: The first time he stopped, he put me in the trunk. The second time, he made me lay my seat down and pretend I was asleep. After that stop, I had been talking and praying. Slowly and methodically I repositioned myself to have my hands in my lap instead of under me. I moved in such slight movements, that he didn't notice the minor changes. I was building confidence with him, hoping that he wasn't aware of my doing this. I wanted to be prepared to move at the first chance! Plus, I remembered that even though the doors were locked, I could open the front door with the handle without first unlocking the lock.

I told him I was getting hungry. It was between noon and 1:00. At the Colonial Station, there was a woman attendant. Remember the time when people actually pumped your gas for you? He never turned the car off while she was pumping and he put his hand on my shoulder and kept it there saying not to try anything. I reminded him that he wanted cigarettes. He kept tapping my shoulder, reminding me not to try anything. When she came back to the window to be paid, he turned slightly toward her and as he did, his hand moved from my shoulder. This was my chance!! I quickly reached for the handle of my door. I slung it open! As I was leaping out of the car, he reached over and grabbed my sweater vest! I struggled to get free and rolled down the side of the door toward the back of the car. I was screaming to the lady!!! HELP ME!!! Running toward her, these words came tumbling out....this man is escaped from prison and he kidnapped me!!! I am from Georgia! Please help me!! As he screeched off, she called the police!

Stay tuned! The next post should come later this week!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Kidnapped....2nd Installment

As we sat in that abandoned lot, my thoughts raced. What was really happening here. I had heard of people being taken against their will, but never dreamed that it could happen to me. The word kidnap didn't enter my mind at that time. I just wanted to help this guy get to where he wanted to go, so I could get back to my church meeting that night.

He asked if I knew how to get to Statesboro. I felt relief, because I had many friends in Statesboro and I happen to know how to get there. I had only lived in Augusta for about 4 months. But, that was one place that I actually knew the directions to.

So, he drove, according to my directions. He kept asking if I was telling him the truth. I was too afraid of what would happen to me if I didn't tell him the truth. If you are wondering what kept me from jumping out of the car......try sitting on your hands, trembling and shaking and wondering if your weak legs would carry you even if you could open the locked door, while being threatened with a broken glass.

My biggest hope was that by the time we got to Statesboro, he would be happy to be there and would just let me go. How stupid could I be?????

I am a strong believer in God and His power. I also believe that He is sovereign and has everything under control, even when we can't feel it or see it. I was praying harder than I had ever prayed! I love being in control, but that day......I was anything but in control! Looking back on that was the beginning of my learning to not get my way. You may think, wow Susan, that's wonderful to learn so early in your life that you can't always get your way! Don't let these words fool you! I still struggle with that to this day. But, I let go much faster than I used to,  thanks to this and many other events in my life!

During the next hour, I tried to make conversation to keep him calm. I learned that he had escaped from jail in North Carolina a few days before and had stolen a car or two and had driven to the outskirts of Augusta where the car broke down or ran out of gas. So, he left the car and walked into town. He told me he had been walking around town most of the day looking for someone just like me. Meaning, someone he could take advantage of and use their car.

As he took me down Highway 25 toward Statesboro, it was then that he brought up the fact that what he had done was kidnapping! Those words went deep. As I pondered them, I begin to wonder if that day would be my last. I may not be given the chance to escape this man. But, we came upon a license check point out in the country. Yes! Back in 1979, they still had those. I case you have never heard of a license check, they would put up a road block and stop cars randomly to make sure everyone had their license. There were multiple State Patrols in the road and on the side of the road and other cars stopped as well. I prayed that God would allow this to be the time that I would be rescued!

Instead, my abductor rolled down his window about half way and slowed down but never came to a complete stop. I was devastated. His eyes darted back and forth and he began talking about the fact that they must be looking for him. I could tell he was anxious. He drove out of their sight and then turned onto the next road to the right. I told him that I wasn't familiar with that road and he should turn around. But, he was convinced that they were looking for him and he had to hide. Next, he turned onto a small dirt road that went down into the woods and stopped the car. He was so nervous and that made me nervous. He began talking about what to do with me. I felt then, that this was probably the end for me. He told me that he was going to put me in the trunk of the car. I asked him if I could take my purse with me. I had heard of stories where people, especially girls, were found dead with no ID. I was trying to at least have my ID on me so they would know who I was when they found my body. He said I could take only my wallet. He made me get out of the car as he opened the trunk.

Thankfully, I had nothing in my trunk, so there was plenty of room for me to lie down. He told me that if I behaved myself, he would let me out. He was planning on stopping at a store to get cigarettes and beer. He actually asked me if I wanted anything. I was shocked! But, I requested some kind of snack and a drink. I didn't know what to make of this plan of his. But, when he closed the lid, I began to cry. After a few minutes, I gathered my composure and figured that crying would take more oxygen than just breathing. I really had no idea if I would run out of oxygen in a trunk, but I didn't want to take a chance. But, just in case, I took off my engagement ring and a couple of other rings I had on and put them in my pants pocket. Then I felt in my wallet until I found my drivers license and SS card. I also put those in my pocket. I was hoping that if I died in there, he would leave my body alone and when I was found, they could identify me. I know that sounds morbid, but I was praying for self control and clarity of mind. I could feel God's presence with me giving me wisdom.

He started the car and I could tell when we hit the paved road. I could feel many turns and wondered where in the world we would end up! Finally, the car stopped. I heard the door open and then close. I could hear people talking and was praying for the strength and wisdom to let someone know I was in there. But, fear made me think twice about trying something stupid and it not working. And that would only make him want to hurt me! I didn't want that! Within minutes, he was back in the car and I felt it moving.

It wasn't long before I felt the car come to a stop again. But, this time he didn't turn it off. I heard footsteps and then the trunk lid popped open. He was quick with his words. Hurry.....get out!! I didn't understand the need for him rushing me until I was out and saw that he had stopped on the side of an interstate highway. Inside the car, I found a snack and drink he had gotten for me. Of course, he had used either my money or money from the church. A few minutes later, I saw that we were on I 16 heading toward Macon! That was so close to where my sister and brother in law lived! I was hoping to get close to her! I got excited!

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The beginning of my kidnapping story!

I gave this title because the details of my story make for a long story. I have told the details many times, but have not personally written it down. I plan to give all the details so that my children and my future generations will have my personal account without anyone else's slant to it. This has been written about and published in newspapers, but each one has misinterpreted things I have said one way or another. goes!

It was April 6, 1979. One month to the day before my wedding! Life couldn't have been more exciting at the time! I had just graduated from college the year before and I was working as a substitute teacher since I moved in the middle of the school year.  I was just one month from marrying the man that I knew God had for me and we had found a darling little house to live in after our wedding. I was living there and he was living with his parents.

We were attending his family's church where he was the treasurer of their men's ministry. The church had a little wooden box on the wall next to the entrance of the church called the bereavement box. People would drop money into it at will to be used to minister to those in need. We were having our monthly church meeting that night and he needed to give a financial statement at the meeting. He had not counted the money in that box, so I volunteered to go by, get the money out, count it and make a deposit. I had subbed at a local school that day, so right after school, I dropped by the church. No one was in the office that day, so it was quiet. I had parked across the side street from the front door. The church was one block off of a main street in Augusta, GA but wasn't very busy. I entered the church, got the money and crossed the street to go back to my car. As I looked both ways to be sure I could cross, I saw a young man dressed in a white tee shirt and army fatigues walking up the sidewalk toward me. Since there is an Army fort in Augusta, that didn't seem out of place to me.

I crossed the street, unlocked my car and got in. As I started to close the door, someone was right there and stopped me from closing the door. Honestly, I thought he might be trying to sell me something. Instead, he told me that he needed a ride out of town. I offered to take him to the bus station. But he just wasn't open to that. Instead, he told me to get over and he would drive. So many thoughts were going through my head. How can I get out of this? Is this man really going to drive MY car? Can the lady walking right next to me tell that I am in trouble? Is there any way that she and I could over power this man? Why, oh why can't I just jump out of this car and run for my life? Is there any way that I could actually get away from him if I did get out? What would happen to me, if I tried to run and he caught me? Before this moment, I had always said that I would kick, scream, hit! I would fight back if anyone ever tried to hurt me.......but in reality, you don't know what you will do in a given situation.

My car was a Mercedes diesel and you had to pull a throttle to crank it. And it was also a manual stick shift. He didn't know how to drive a stick. I was worried that he would ruin my car. I tried just sitting there and not answering his questions about how to drive it, then, I told him how I didn't want him to mess up my car. He told me how he thought I was more concerned with my car than myself. I was concerned with my safety, but I didn't want my car demolished either. So, I finally gave him instructions and we started off.

That morning I had taken something to drink on the way to work, so I had a glass in my car. He drove to an empty lot and parked. I became very anxious about his reasoning. He opened his door, picked up my glass and broke it on the frame of the door. He pointed it at me and said, "If you don't believe that blood is red, I can prove it to you." Being cut is one of my biggest fears. So, even though he didn't know it, he just guaranteed my cooperation!

Stay tuned!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The question from my only daughter that reminds me of myself.

We just spent four nights and days at the campgrounds in Stone Mountain, GA to attend Atlanta Fest. It was a great time spent with our youngest two children, watching them as they enjoyed music that entertains, but most of all leads one to worship our true and living God! The question that she asked us on the way home today was "What was your highlight of Atlanta Fest?" That is JUST LIKE a question that I would ask THEM after such a trip. It is true the they start sounding like us, isn't it? There's nothing quite like spending three and a half straight days listening to nothing but praise and worship music to make you so thankful to live in a free country! And it really made me think long and hard about my relationship with God and what He wants me to be doing! I don't ever measure up to His standard! Of course, my first answer to Rebekah's question was how much I loved watching them enjoy themselves. Actually, that wasn't what she wanted to hear, so I had to think about trying to narrow down the highlights. Some of those were, of course......listening to Andrew Peterson, Mercy Me, Reilly, David Crowder Band, Tenth Avenue North and personally meeting KJ from KJ52. Then being challenged and convicted by Brent Crowe, Ergun Caner and Bob Lenz. I really enjoyed meeting and talking to a couple of the Sign Language interpreters and Scott Laslo who is a missionary with Pearl Ministries of Birmingham, AL. But, now that I have had time to think even more about it, I would change my answer yet again. I think the biggest highlight would be having so much time to sit and think about how I can worship my God and Savior in a way that would be pleasing to Him! My prayer is that I would be the kind of daughter to Him that would remind Him of Himself.